Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures – Soft Baits

Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures 


Purchase Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures here:

Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures

Purchase Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures and see our whole range here:

Despite the presence of so many other types of lures, the modern angler is more comfortable working with Berkley Gulp soft bait fishing lures which are the next best thing to natural or live lures. Let us say from the outset that they are ever so popular because Gulp Lures are made from 100% natural ingredients and not soft plastic, but even so Berkley Gulp still demonstrate the same consistency as any other soft plastic fishing lures and they can be fished in exactly the same way. Berkley Gulp lures are an absolute killer for any fish with a mouth. They are particularly useful as fake bait because of the natural ingredients that they contain and the powerful scent they emit.

If you want to fish enjoyably either in an estuary setting, in a fresh water dam, or over shallow flats, Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colours. It is not a mere claim to say that Berkley Gulp Lures are very effective on just about any species of fish you can think of since they resemble worms, shrimps, prawns or any other crustacean imitation you can imagine as well as small bait fish. This makes Berkley Gulp fishing lures irresistible to any fish and an absolute must have in any tackle box because, depending on your choice and preference, you can either use them as a motionless bait or plastic lure. In a word, they are the ultimate impostors.

Since the Berkley Gulp soft fishing lures are available in varying sizes and lengths they are practically economical to use for any kind of fishing expedition. Any number of lures from 4 to over 20 can be found in a packet depending on the models you purchase. The natural ingredients Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures contain are specially enriched with special scents that are many times more powerful than what you can expect in ordinary plastic baits. This plays an important role in attracting the fish and persuading them to strike even when they are in a skittish mood.

One of their biggest advantages is related to environmental protection. To begin with, Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures are made out of 100% biodegradable materials and so by using them, you will be playing an important role in conservation efforts to protect the waterways. Most plastic lures in the market are made of non-biodegradable substances which when lost in the waterway can really create a negative environmental impact. You can never beat these lures for replicating the favourite fish diet, for instance shrimps and prawns. They are simply a revolutionary product that is flexible, durable and long lasting. It is easy to fit them into a jig head or to drift them on any standard hook.

Some of the Berkley Gulp soft baits can catch fish even when they are not given any action. Those with a crustacean imitation are just marvelous amongst anglers who take part in tournaments for the simple reason that they work wonderfully. So to avoid the hassles and expenses of keeping live baits, here is something that is easy to work with and which can not fail to send fish into a feeding frenzy in any setting. Berkley Gulp Fishing Lures are one the most effective and revolutionary type of soft baits ever invented.

Purchase Berkly Gulp Fishing Lures here:

Berkley Gulp Crabby Fishing Lures – Bream Fishing Lures

Berkley Gulp Crabby Fishing Lures – Bream Fishing Lures

Bream Fisho’s get excited as the Berkley Gulp Crabby fishing lures have now hit our ONLINE FISHING STORE – CHECK THEM OUT

Gulp Crabby Fishing lures have been introduced into Australia and with a very warm welcome by the Bream fishing enthusiast.

Berkley Gulp Crabby Fishing Lures are a soft lure developed in Australia with a unique crabby shape. Its design boasts of a belly keel which resists spinning on retrieve of the lure and also makes great performance with a flat free fall.

The Berkley Gulp Crabby Fishing Lure will excel when fishing vertical structure such as boat hulls, pontoons and rock walls.

The Gulp Crabby was designed to imitate a crab of yabby. Gulp Crabby boasts impressive looks and is coupled with the famous Gulp scent

The Most important feature of the new Gulp Crabby fishing lures though has to be the ‘keeled’ belly that helps to keep it tracking straight on retrieve allowing the swimmers, legs and claws to flutter enticingly.

Flick the Gulp crabby fishing lure up against a boat hull or rock wall and watch it free-fall horizontally into the depths with its appendages fluttering on the way down and hang on!

If you are into bream fishing then you have to try the Gulp Crabby fishing lures.

Bream will love to eat these fantastic looking Gulp Crabby lures.

Berkley Gulp Squid Vicious Fishing Lures

Berkley Gulp Squid Vicious Fishing Lures have finally been release into our online fishing tackle store.


Information on the Berkley Gulp Squid Vicious Fishing Lures:

Gulp Squid Vicious Fishing Lures.

Gulp Squid Vicious soft fishing lures have been developed for deep water reef fishing, the Berkley Gulp Squid Vicious lures are designed to imitate a squid head or a small octopus.

Action of the Gulp vicious Squid fishing lure is basically the legs pulsate at the slowest of speeds allowing the Squid Vicious to be fished like ordinary standard bait. Simply use gentle lift and drop techniques to provide a deadly action that is sure to catch a number of Reef fish such as snapper, kingfish, morwong just to name a few. The waving arms of the Berkley Gulp Squid Vicious fishing lure will also produce a catch of fish on the drop from time to time.

Features of the Berkley Gulp Squid Vicious fishing lure are:

* specifically designed for reef fishing for snapper, kingfish etc.
* Can be used a static bait – long cast and let it free fall to the bottom.
* Use as a jig style vertically, but be ready for bites on the drop as the leg action makes predatory fish hit hard.
* Like all GULP baits, it is water based and bio-degradable.

Size is approximately 15cm and there are 6 gulp squid vicious lures per pack with a variety of colours you can choose from.

See the Youtube Clip also provided below for a bit of insight into these fantastic fishing lures.

Flathead Lures | Fishing with Soft Plastic Lures

Fishing with Soft Plastic Fishing Lures for Flathead

Soft plastic lures are a great way to attract Flathead.  While the species is renowned for its laziness, it will put up quite a fight when hooked, and if you win the battle, Flathead make great eating.  Here are some tips for catching Flathead with soft lures.


Flathead are found in shallow water in estuaries and bays where they hide, camouflaged and partially buried in sand.  Rather than actively seeking food, Flathead wait for their prey to come to them, conserving their energy for the quick burst of acceleration that they make when an attractive morsel passes nearby.  By slowly trailing bait or lures along the bottom, anglers have the best chance of hooking Flathead.


Most of the types of lure that are successful with bream will work with flathead, too.  Soft plastic lures that attract bites from Flathead are generally at least 50 mm in length. Ocean Storm’s Online Fishing Tackle Shop stocks a range of fishing lures in soft plastic materials, such as Squidgies, as well as Berkeley Gulp fishing lures made from natural biodegradable materials. These lures look and feel like soft plastic and are impregnated with a scent that fish find irresistible.


Soft plastic lures come in a range of colours, and it’s useful to keep a variety of colours in your tackle box.  Many anglers find that dark coloured soft plastic lures in the same colours work better on dark days, while lures in lighter colours or more natural looking colours attract more bites from flathead on light days.  After a period with no results, changing the shape of lure you use, for example swapping a minnow shape for a grub shape, will often encourage flathead to take a bite.


When fishing for flathead, fairly simple tackle is adequate.  Your aim is to slowly work the bottom, so a 3-4kg line on a basic spinning reel is generally fine.  While a fibreglass rod isn’t suitable for use with soft plastic lures because of their action and lack of sensitivity, a basic 6-7 foot graphite fishing rod allows the angler to cast more accurately and gives the sensitivity to feel a nibble from the target.


When the weather is warm and the water is shallow, fishing for flathead can be very rewarding.  Flathead appear to be indolent until they’re ready to pounce on their prey.  Flathead don’t seem to be at all wary of lures – so using Soft plastic fishing lures can make for an exciting day of fishing.

Checkout this clip below for fishing for Flathead on soft plastic lures: Brett Wilson From Shimano is using the Squidgy Pro Lobby Lure

Also check out this Clip to further your knowledge and experience in targeting fish on soft plastic fishing lures.. You can buy the full Soft Plastic Tactics Fishing DVD in our online fishing tackle shop.

Snapper Fishing – Species Article

Species Article: Snapper


Snapper is a saltwater fish popular with both recreational and commercial anglers fishing in the southern half of Australia.  Not only does snapper taste delicious, it’s renowned as a good fighting fish and is targeted by anglers who look for a real challenge.  Let’s look at some of the features of the snapper that make it such a prized catch.

Although many snapper that are caught weigh less than 3 kg, larger fish weighing up to 10 kg are there to be had, especially in South Australian waters.  Schools of small snapper are found in shallow bays and on gravel beds near the mouths of clean rivers, or in deeper water over reefs. The preferred habitat of larger fish is depths of 10 to 25 metres in bays, and offshore in depths between 20 and 70 metres. The most productive times for anglers targeting snapper are on a rising tide in the morning, late afternoon and early evening.  Weather conditions seem to make little difference to snappers’ readiness to take bait or lures, although some seasoned fishermen swear that the fish bite well in the half hour before a thunderstorm.

Snapper aren’t overly fussy about their food.  They’re opportunistic grazing feeders and tend to scavenge for whatever is readily available to them without too much effort.  Offshore they tend to favour live bait or soft plastic fishing lures such as berkley gulp Jerk shads, while inshore snapper seem to have a preference for a wide variety of dead bait.

Fishing rods specifically intended for anglers targeting snapper include the Shimano Rader Snapper Rod 762, available from the Fishing Tackle Shop online store.  This is a light two piece rod, a little over 7 feet in length, and designed to be used with a spin fishing reel.  When selecting a line, bear in mind the sensitivity to line diameter displayed by snapper, particularly smaller specimens.

The main challenge of snapper is actually hooking the fish: snapper tend to be easily spooked by any resistance on the fishing line when they first mouth bait.  For the best chance of catching snapper, consider using a free spooling technique and aim to allow the fish a couple of seconds to swallow the bait and be caught by the hook before striking.  For the same reason, it’s helpful to use sharp hooks when targeting snapper.

Fishing for snapper is great fun, and once you’ve hooked your fish it will put up a good hard fight. Capturing a good sized snapper will bring a smile to the face of even the most jaded of anglers.