Fish Attractant for bait fishing & Lure Scents


Why Are Fish Attractants and Lure Scents All The Rage?

Below we are going to touch on a couple of subjects including best fish attractant when bait fishing such as the use of berley and we are also going to touch on Fishing lure scent and which ones to buy further down this article.


Best fish attractant when bait fishing

burleyMethods for attracting fish are as ancient as the practice of fishing itself. Many a concoction has been created and sworn by as the miracle solution for turning a sluggish fishing day into a bonanza. Unlikely substances like packaged dry dog food, cat food and chicken pellets mixed with a ‘secret’ ingredient are thrown into the water to attract the fish and / or excite them into feeding. Methods of distributing this fish attractant are as varied as the concoctions themselves and dependant on fishing style, location, conditions and target species. For example, green weed or cabbage mixed with sand will attract Luderick. Bread is often used to excite Drummer. Western Australian Pilchards are chopped up by the kilo block and fed into the current to attract just about anything, especially our big pelagic specie s.

The use of ‘Berley’ or fish attractant, is widely accepted as nigh on essential to bring the fish on the chew and keep them there. Commercial fish attractants have been available for decades. Manufactured from fish products, Tuna oil and berley pellets are a couple of the well-known standards.

Fishing Lure Scent  & Which ones are best?

Fish AttractantWith the rise and rise of lure fishing, anglers and manufacturers alike began to think differently about fish attractants, and imparting the perfect scent onto the lure soon became the new innovation pursuit. Science and technology has had an enormous impact on angling innovation. Rods and reels are just part of it. Recently, the technical boffins retired to their labs with a new challenge, to create the best fish attractant, the ultimate fishing bait scents and attach it to your lure. The feedback suggests, it works like magic. Let’s have a look at a couple.

Two of the top competing brands that have taken the market by storm are s factor fish attractant and Sax Scent. There are countless reports of anglers testing these products by casting lures with and without the fish attractant and collating results. The results certainly back up the claims of the manufacturers. Most of the anecdotal evidence and user research suggests that the fish attractant applied to your lure can be the difference between no fish and bagging out. There are many instances where two people will fish side by side, at the same target, with the same lure, technique and rigs. The difference is that the fisherman who uses the fish attractant catches more fish, the other, performs a little more poorly. The angler experiencing the purple patch also experiences far more aggressive attacks and importantly, the fish holds the lure in its mouth longer giving the angler more time to respond and strike.

When Squidgy plastics hit the market, we all remember taking them from the packet, feeling the slippery texture and smelling the aniseed. We also remember the fish smashing them. One complaint however was that the scent washes away quick. Thing is, it was meant to. The scent is meant to be dispersed, ever so gently, into the water. This is how it works. Of course, your lure would run out of scent and you would therefore lose a lure of optimal performance. Responding to this issue, the Squidgy manufactures made and enhanced a better scientifically developed S factor fishing scent available in tubes to be applied and re-applied to any lure. Of course, it sells like hotcakes.

Sax Scent works on exactly the same principle. The solution, which is available in a tube or jar, is applied directly to the lure. Interestingly, Sax Scent comes in different flavours, such as garlic, crab or prawn and others. Sax Scent also incorporates varying fleck colours that reflect light and can imitate the scales falling from a wounded fish.  Just like S Factor, the angler feedback have been very positive.

There is now a huge representation of lure anglers that are so impressed with the latest fish attractants that they won’t leave home without them. The results have been so good there are more brands hitting the shelves. You might also like to try Ultrabite or Big John’s Fishing Scent. You can safely assume though, the ingredients of these magic potions is a closely guarded secret. The thing that is clearly apparent to all, is just how well they work.

So who makes the best fish attractant? There is only one way to find out, that’s buy one of each and start testing. You can rest assured; there can’t be a better experiment.

Shop Here – For our best fishing attractant Scents 

Fish Attractant Scents

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