Graphite Fishing Rod Care – About Graphite rods and how to use them.

Important Tips in Caring for Your Graphite Fishing Rods and how to use them.

Graphite Fishing rods are great alternative to fiberglass and composite rods. They are as tough, if not tougher, and can give you all the fish-fighting power needed to land your next big catch. Not only that. These rods are also lighter, and you can expect to go home less fatigued even after a whole day of fishing. Their superior design offers more sensitivity so you can easily feel the fishes nipping at the bait

Graphite rods can give you great fishing experience if used correctly; if not, they’ll snap on you and leave your hands and net empty. But don’t worry, just follow these easy steps and you’ll feel like a pro in no time

Spooling fishing line, braid onto a reel using a graphite rod

Traditionally with fibreglass fishing rods it has generally been safe to spool new line onto your reel running the line through all the runners. With today’s modern graphite fishing rods we highly discourage spooling new line onto your reel in the same manner as depending on how you are spooling line onto the reel particularly if you have another person holding the spool of line applying pressure to the spool of line by hand or similar it is possible you could hit a dead spot or apply too much pressure and accidentally break your rod.

One misconception  about spooling line onto a reel is that it is like fighting a fish. Spooling line onto a reel is definitely not like fighting a fish just one main reason being; fish will not automatically stop dead in its tracks and apply the same sort of force that would happen if you accidentally hit a dead spot whilst spooling your line along with applying too much force with a chance of also accidentally high sticking your rod whilst spooling up, It’s just a deadly combination that can have unwanted consequences.

We hear of too many people breaking graphite rods whilst spooling line onto a reel usually with the breakage occurring towards the top of the rod within vicinity of the first few rod guides. This is accidental breakage which is usually not a warranty issue. In general, rod breakage is very rarely a result of a manufacturing fault or flaw with probably less than 1% of rods being an actual fault. 99% of the time rod breakages occur due to angler misuse, abuse or accidental error.

Therefore to avoid breaking your graphite fishing rod we strongly recommend spooling your new line onto your fishing reel using only the bottom 1-2 guides only on the rod. Or if you have a 2 piece fishing rod, the guides on the bottom section of the rod.  Even better! Why use a graphite rod to spool your line on? If you have other rods in your collection such as fibreglass rods and you really want to insist on spooling the line on your reel using all the runners on the fishing rod, use a fibreglass fishing rod instead that can handle much more punishment then just take the reel off once finished and place it on your intended graphite rod.

No matter how long you have been fishing for, how many reels you have spooled up in your life time or how much of an expert you think you are accidents can happen especially with graphite fishing rods therefore we recommend spooling line onto your reel in the manners advised to avoid breakage of your graphite fishing rod.


When Fishing Using a Graphite Fishing Rod in these situations

A. Working aboard a Boat

The worst thing that could happen to you while fishing from a boat is breaking your fishing rods or damaging rod guides. Not that they break easily as they are tough as nails. But don’t tempt fate by being lazy in organizing your fishing rods. As the old trusted navy saying goes “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Keep your fishing gear tucked in a safe place when not in use to avoid people stepping on them or getting hammered with heavy objects. Bruising the rods will eventually lead to breakage.

B. Casting from the Bank

If you lay the rods around haphazardly, expect someone to step on them. So don’t. People will not be looking at the ground all the time while walking, so keep the rods away from where they can be stepped on. Keep them in places where they are seen easily, like leaning them on your tackle box.

Avoid hanging branches of trees or other overhead impediments when casting from the banks. Smashing your rod against tree branches or other hard objects is the surest way to bruise it, significantly weakening that part of the rod blank where it hit another object. Damage may look minimal initially; however it could result to breakage later. Take note that most fishes that got away during a fight are the results of broken rods that suffered bruises before.


C. Wading in the Waters

What you should avoid while fishing from the bank should be also observed while you are waist deep into the water. So keep your rod and reel safely tucked somewhere safe. Think its okay to lay them on the water? Think again!

You have a lot going on while fishing so you won’t know what’s happening to your fishing rods if they are laid flat on the water. The current may drag them away, or put undue strain on the rod tip. This is a bit worse if you are fishing in saltwater as saltwater or sand can get into the reel, through the reel seat or other tiny crevices. Saltwater is notorious for corroding fishing gear, and you don’t want it inside your reels.


The Fight

A. On board a Boat

No matter how desperate you are to land a fish, listen to the voice of veteran fishermen and never “high stick” your rod. The most angle that you should coax from your rod must not exceed 90° when trying to subdue a struggling fish. Most rods that break during a fight are the result of high sticking and carelessness on the part of the fisherman.

B. Wading in the waters

Users of fly rods must remember that, you will need extra preparation to bring in fish safely if you expect a good fight from your catch while wading waist deep in the waters. Allow a little more line to run from the rod tip, usually longer than the length of the rod itself so you can pull the fish closer to you. The extra line will help your rod bear the weight even if you pull rod high up into the air.

Next Step, Safely Landing or Boating Your Catch

A fish will weigh more in the water. Remember that and you’ll avoid breaking a lot of rods. A five pound fish weigh more while it is in the water. Many rods were broken because fishermen were tempted to hoist their catch instead of using a net. Avoid boating a fish this way unless your catch is less than two pounds.

Hoisting heavy fish puts a lot of load on the rod. This is made even more untenable when you “high stick” the rod and raise it more than 90° off the water.

Another bad habit is grabbing the rod above the fore grip. You don’t want to do this as you need the rod to be flexible by using the entire blank for support of the heavy load. The golden rule is to always use a net if allowable. This way, you won’t lose your fish and you won’t break your rod.

Setting the Hook

The right energy hook set used with your fishing rod can go a long way in preventing damage or breakage. It cannot be stressed more that “high sticking” your rod, or bringing it high straight above your head at more than 90° angle with water, puts a lot of strain to the rod’s tip.

Newer lines, like the Low Stretch lines that are popular with anglers today, are bringing new ways to avoid damage to the rod. These lines have low elongation factors, allowing you to use short swing and low energy hook sets, instead of the traditional high-energy long swing hook sets. The combination prevents the lure or bait from getting accidentally dislodged from the fish jaw.


The correct way to free snagged lures and Tackle

The trick in freeing a snagged lure without breaking your expensive fishing rod is to pull on the line while the rod is pointed directly to the position of the snag. Do this while your palm is firmly cupping the spinning reel spool or your thumb firmly planted on the bait casting spool. This takes away the strain from the rod. But you have to watch out for the lure or sinker coming at you like a bullet when it suddenly gets freed from the snag. Remember that a fully stretched fishing line will act like a spring when one end suddenly comes loose. Never pull back the rod at an upward or downward angle or in a jerking motion as this can cause a graphite fishing rod to snap. a


Proper Care for Reel Seat

Do not use any kind of tool when tightening your reel sets. The force from your fingers is enough to do the job.


Keeping your Rod’s Finish Shiny and New

 No matter how tired you are from a fishing trip, make sure that you clean your rod thoroughly before storing them. Heat, high humidity, sea water, and sediments can damage your rod’s shiny finish. Store them in a dry place when you’re done cleaning. An occasional paste wax treatment is good too


Transporting Fishing Rod

A. In an Airplane

You won’t be having trouble if you fly your own jet. But when flying commercial, make sure you pack the rods in tough PVC or ABS casement. The best practice is to pack the rods individually. If individual packaging is not possible then strap and tape them together, alternating tips and butts to prevent breakage due to abrasion. And most of all, avoid dropping the rod containers at all cost. Commercial airlines will not take responsibility if your fishing equipment ends up damaged, so take the necessary precaution.

B. Road Trip

Store the rods and other fishing gear at the back of the truck or wagon where there is ample space for them. Again, make sure that they are carefully packed or taped to avoid rod blanks getting damaged by heavy objects like tools or spare tire. If possible, separate these things from your fishing gear. Even slight abrasion or damage to the rod blanks can cause breakage when the rod is put under heavy stress during fishing.


Storing the Rods

A. Boat Storage

1. Having rod lockers in your boat is the easiest way to keep your fishing rods and other gears safe. Just take some precaution against the rods bouncing around and into each other as this can result to bruising of the rod blanks, especially in rough waters. Again, proper care is needed to separate the rods and tuck them in safely.

2. Gunwale mounted racks for rods gives your easy access to your fishing gears as they are mounted off the deck. Just take extra care to keep them out of oars and other heavy objects’ way.

3. Vertical rod racks is an alternative storage if you can keep them safe from getting hit when casting.

Garage storage

 1. Protect fishing rods with heavy tube or rod locker when storing it in a garage. This is to protect them from getting smashed or hit with heavy objects. Never allow the rods to sit in a corner unless you plan on buying new rods next fishing season.

2. Keep the fishing rods away from heat sources. These include water heater and other heavy appliances as heat from these things can damage the finishing and other materials that constitute the rods.

In the House

C. Store the fishing rods in a safe and dry place in your house. Keep them away from heavy objects like guns, other sporting gears, tools, and others. Keeping them in their own closet or enclosing them in heavy tubes is a good idea.


Follow these steps proudly provided to you by Ocean Storm Fishing Tackle and you will get a long life out of your Graphite Fishing Rods.

Halco Roosta Popper Fishing Lure

Halco Rooster Popper Fishing Lures 105 Model


The Halco Roosta Popper 105 Fishing lure sets the standard in leading edge modern popper fishing lure patterns. The Halco Roosta Popper 105 fishing lure was intended to be used like a straight retrieve popper and blooper. The Roosta includes a rattling back weight which gives exceptional casting capability plus the distinctive head and body shape reduces tangling as well as produces exceptional noise with explosive splashes.

Whilst retrieving the Halco Rooster Popper 105 fishing lure you can transform the action of the lure by altering the height of the rod tip. Placement of the rod tip nearer to the water results in mega bubble trail on the grounds that the lure tracks throughout the water in the company of a slight wiggling motion. This is outstandingly helpful in rough ocean circumstances where the lure is required to be kept in the water to prevent flipping along with cart wheeling. The minimal splashing as well as high bubble retrieve may also be successful on fish that are shy of large splashes.

The Halco Roosta Popper 105 is fitting to nearly all saltwater pelagic varieties however has had exceptional accomplishment on species including Yellowtail Kingfish, Tuna, Queenfish, Mangrove Jacks, Australian Salmon, Tailor and Barramundi.

halco roosta popper  fishing lures

Features and Specifications

  • Computer Designed and prototyped
  • 10.5cm in measurement lengthwise as well as weighs 30 grams
  • Large range of proved colours
  • Quality split rings plus Mustad trebles
  • Distinctive cup face  and rear rattle weight


  • The Halco Roosta Popper 105 is a great lure meant for all weather conditions and sea circumstances. By merely changing the rod angle and retrieve rate you can control your popper in rough choppy conditions.
  •  The Halco Roosters rear casting weight can have you casting into the hit zone with ease plus the cup face will bloop and pop its way to assured explosive strikes.
  • Complemented with quality split rings and Mustad Treble hooks, you understand you have tackle on these lures that you can trust.
  • Great range of successful colours which will help you in concentrating on that fish you desire.
  • If you’re interested in adrenalin popping then assign the Halco Rooster popper fishing lure a cast and get set to hold on!


  1. Halco Roosta Popper 135
  2. Halco haymaker popper

Bat Lure – Winged Cicada Bass Fishing Lures

Bat Lure – Winged Cicada Bass Fishing Lures BUY ONE HERE

Winged Cicada Fishing Lure (Otherwise known as a bat lure or surface Bat fishing lure)

Surface Bat - Winged Cicada Bass Fishing Lures

Surface Bat - Winged Cicada Bass Fishing Lures

This itty-bitty knockout is a Winged Cicada surface bat style fishing bait which is an downright gun long cast surface crawling fish attractor! This top quality surface sport fishing lure essentially simulate an insect that’s fallen down helplessly into the water system and attempting to make its break away back to land. lucky for us they frequently don’t make it!

The Rileys Premium Winged Cicada bat lure gets its attractive action from the 2 plastic side wings which close on casting to grant the lure an aerodynamic shape and opening again once upon the water system to begin its crawling back to the shore. The Rileys Premium Winged Cicada fishing lure is one hell of a Bass lure and really comes into its element late in the afternoon and into the darkness of night and during heavy bug hatches. While the Rileys Premium Winged Cicada is a gun Bass lure it doesn’t stop there! Murray Cod, Perch, Saratoga and Mangrove Jack are just a few of the species this dynamite lure will catch.


VMC high quality trebles
Side wings for creating its irresistible crawl action
Moulded cicada shape for ultimate silhouette
Strong and durable


The Rileys Premium Winged Cicada are downright dynamite on Bass and this falls down to its natural shape (cicada like) and its teasing action.
The Rileys Premium Winged Cicada casts like a dream and this is because the wings fold in on the cast and allow it to fly like a missile.
If you into surface luring then you really need to give this lure a shot! Blip bloop blip bloop blip bloop Kaboom! See for yourself add one to your cart today! BUY ONE HERE

The Winged Cicada Surface Bat fishing lure style fishing lure.

Squidgy Bug Soft Plastic Fishing Lures – Squidgy Bugs

Squidgy Bug  Soft Plastic Fishing Lures – Squidgy Bugs

Purchase the Squidgy Bug Lures HERE

Squidgy Bug Soft Plastic Fishing Lures

The Squidgy Bug Fishing Lure is a soft plastic bait with astonishing tail end action and among the most cracking in the Squidgies queue up of plastics.


Although the Squidgy Bug soft plastic sport fishing lure was configured for unweighted surface presentments its effects on a weighted basic jig head is likewise mind blowing.


The Squidgy Bug soft plastic angling lure equals just 70mm in length and with its curled tail end action just about any fish will undergo a crack at it. The Squidgy Bug lures are really versatile because it can resemble so many baits such as  a Shrimp, tad pole or bait fish. This makes them amazing in both fresh and seawater systems.


The Squidgy Bug soft plastic fishing lure likewise makes a cracking surface bait by adding together with a Squidgy Resin finesse Jig head and retrieving with the fishing rod tip held high, this is outstanding on Bass! The Squidgy Bug Soft Plastic Fishing lures are pretty much one of the finest soft plastic fishing lures in the marketplace for any estuary fish species and whenever you’re  chasing Bream, Bass or Estuary Perch you genuinely need to give the Squidgy bug fishing lure a try!
Squidgy Bug Soft Plastic Fishing Lures

Characteristics and specs

  • Package includes 6 Squidgy soft plastic Bugs
  • Lures are 70 mm in length
  • Available in 4 productive colour options
  • Large curl tail on a bug shape body
  • Small eyes for added reality
  • Suited for both surface and bottom fishing
  • Recommended Jig head hook sizes 4, 2 and 1




  • Squidgy Bug soft plastic fishing lures are merely resistless in the water world and this follows all attributable they’re resistless tail activity and humble indulgent scrumptious appearing physical structure.
  • The Squidgy Bug fishing lure colour range is absolutely competitive to simulating several bait types and the Coral colour represents a downright weapon for night-time luring.


  • The Squidgy Bug soft plastic fishing lure is so versatile it may be fished fresh or salt for an endless listing of species but it genuinely shines when used to target Bream, Perch and of course Australian Bass.


So if soft plastic fishing lures is your thing you’d be dotty to not try out the popular Squidgy Bug soft plastic fishing lures! Purchase the Squidgy Bug Lures HERE


Jackall Fishing Lures – TN 60

Jackall Fishing Lures – TN60 Fishing Lures.

Purchase Jackall Fishing Lures or find our more information Here

Jackall Fishing Lures Model TN60 Fishing are known world wide for being very versatile fishing lures that can be fishing in alot of different ways and situations. The Jackall TN60 Fishing lure casts well making the Jackall TN60 Fishing lure perfect search baits over flats and weed beds. The possibilities are endless for vertical presentations as they vibrate both on the lift and drop. Jackall TN60 lipless crank fishing lures can also be cast into snags and will vibrate on the drop and also on a slow to medium retrieve.

Jackall fishing Lures – Model TN60 have a tungsten metal weight on the outside lip which allows for more body room for the lure to make its unique and irresistible rattling vibration. Jackall TN60 Fishing lures are designed to have the ultimate balance so the lure can swim at the very slowest retrieval speeds for especially challenging conditions.  Jackall TN60 Fishing Lures cast like a dream due to its 13 gram weight and is a bite sized 60mm in length. The Jackall TN60 lure is specially designed with a weight system that makes it possible for the lure to stand straight up at the bottom. This amazing feature will mean less snagging than other types of lipless crankbaits. The Metal chin guard will also help to protect the Jackall body from damage when knocking against timber and rocks.

This Jackall Fishing Lure is part of the exciting TN range of lipless crankbaits from Jackall Bros. The Jackall TN60 fishing lures are extremely versatile lures that can be fished a lot of different ways, they cast very well
The Jackall TN60 is dynamite on array of species with the most commonly targeted species being Bass, Redfin, Murray Cod, Small Barramundi, Saratoga, large Bream and the Jackall TN60 has a reputation as the number one lure for Golden Perch and has long been a tournament winner!
Features and Specifications
•    Length 60mm
•    Weight 13 grams
•    Quality split rings and trebles
•    Amazing line up of proven colours
•    Balanced for the slowest of retrieval speeds
•    Metal chin to protect lure against hard knocks
•    Weighted to stand up straight on the bottom to reduce lure loses
•    Irresistible rattle and vibrating action
•    Can be fished vertically and horizontally
•    The Jackall TN60 has a weight of 13 grams and cast be used to cast great distances or even work deeper water. The Jackall TN60 Fishing Lure can be used vertically or horizontally making this a very versatile lure for any fishing scenario.
•    Jackall TN60 fishing Lures boast an amazingly productive rattle and vibrating action which sets these lure miles ahead of other bibless crank baits.
•    The Jackall TN60 is weighted to perfection and when it reaches the bottom will stand up straight as not to snag up as much as other brands  and sure to save you a lot of money.
•    Jackall Lures, with its worldwide reputation as one of, if not THE best freshwater bibless crankbaits available allows you to purchase this lure with confidence! Its scientific balancing and action is set to have you locked into battle in no time at all so grab some Jackall’s and join in the action!
Purchase Jackall Fishing Lures or find our more information Here