The basics: fishing gear to set up a novice angler

The basics: fishing gear to set up a novice angler

When you’re new to angling it can be hard to know what fishing gear to choose.  The most basic fishing equipment includes rods, reels, lines, fishing tackle and lures.  For a novice fisher it’s important that any gear you invest in is easy to use. Here are some tips to help you select a set of fishing equipment for your first fishing outings.

The rod is the most important item of fishing equipment you’ll be purchasing, so it’s worth spending some time to find the rod that suits you best.  A rod about 7 to 8 feet in length is best for a beginner as an all round general purpose size, however if beach fishing or rock fishing it is usually best to use around 10 feet off the rock ledges and 12 foot fishing on the beach.  Look for a rod that is reasonably durable but preferably sensitive, allowing you to learn the skills of casting lines and playing fish.

Give some thought to the type of fishing you’ll be doing most often and choose a rod with a casting weight that suits your purpose.  For pier or estuary fishing, go for a rod with a light fishing line rating (often 2-5kgs) around 6-7 feet in length, while for surf fishing rods or rock fishing rods usually with heavier casting weight are more suitable in a rating class of say between 6-10kgs in the 10-12 foot size is suitable. A good solution for a beginner would be a 2-piece rod.  This type of rod is easy to transport.

There are three main types of fishing reel available: overhead, Alvey sidecast and spinning reels. Of these, the spinning reel is the most commonly used, and is popular with both experts and novices. These reels are often called eggbeaters because their design is similar to those old-fashioned kitchen utensils.  For anyone who is learning angling, a spinning reel is a good choice.  These reels are very simple to use and make it easy to learn casting and retrieving.  The reels come in a variety of sizes and the size of spinning reel should be chosen to match the weight and size of the rod.

Fishing lines come in a variety of materials, structures and weights.  Other fishing line characteristics that anglers consider are visibility, cast ability and stretch.  As a beginner to angling, it’s probably best to select a simple monofilament fishing line with breaking strength suitable to the type of fish that you’re targeting and line class rating within the rod’s classification.

Lures are devices attached to the end of fishing lines to attract the attention of fish, and are designed so that their colour, shape and movement imitate the prey of the fish you are targeting. There is an enormous range of styles of lure available for anglers: check out the fishing lures stocked by the Ocean Storm Fishing Tackle Shop Online, which include lures designed to attract fresh water and salt water fish from small table fish such as bream to huge fish.

There are a few other essential basic fishing items such as hooks and sinkers, swivels etc.  While you’re shopping for fishing equipment, don’t forget a tackle box to store and carry your new fishing gear, and an ice box to keep cool all those fish you’re going to be catching. If you are after an all round beginners tackle kit then I suggest the surecatch fishing tackle kit.


Visit our online fishing store website to browse through our range of fishing gear and if you require assistance in making your selection feel welcome to contact us. (Usually by email or live web chat is the preferred method so we can give you a more detailed response and provide links to our website for reference where possible).

Fishing for Barramundi in the Northern Territory

It’s not hard to understand why anglers are so enthusiastic about fishing for barramundi, and why it’s considered to be one of the leading Australian sportfish and the most popular target of anglers in the Northern Territory. The fighting characteristics of this feisty species make for exciting sport, and as a bonus the fish itself has a reputation as a delicious table fish if caught in salt water and tidal rivers.

Barramundi can be caught all year round and if you’re travelling to the Northern Territory it is well worth taking some time to discover the best times and places to ensure you have the best angling experience.

The life cycle of this species leads it to inhabit a wide range of aquatic environments, in creeks, rivers and estuaries.  The fish matures in upstream areas of freshwater streams and moves downstream for spawning in coastal waters and estuaries.  Streams that have large catchments, a low continuous flow of water and warm water temperatures are ideal habitats for Barramundi, and they prefer to seek cover under mangrove roots, submerged logs, rock ledges and other underwater structures.


While live bait such as mullet and prawns appeals to these fish, and they are also often taken with heavy fly gear, medium sized minnow fishing lures in bright bronze or gold metallic colours are probably the most successful way to entice Barramundi out from heavy cover.

For trolling and casting for Barramundi with medium weight baits and lures, the most popular fishing reels are bait caster fishing reels.  When you’re fishing in billabongs and estuary flats, especially in windy conditions, you’ll find that smaller, lighter lures are more suitable; for casting light lures, spinning reels are ideal.

Whatever style of reel you choose, it will be fully tested when you hook an aggressive Barramundi, so it’s best to go for a high quality salt water grade reel and have it serviced regularly to prolong its life. Shimano T curve Power Spin with Saragosa 3000 Fishing Reel Combo is recommended by the Fishing Tackle Shop as an ideal heavy duty setup if you’re targeting Barramundi.

The Northern Territory seasons govern the style of Barramundi fishing.  During the wet season between January and March and the post-wet period from March to May, most anglers fish by casting from boats anchored in waterways. During the dry season, between June and September, fresh water lagoons and rivers become accessible to anglers.  At this time of year, when temperatures are cooler, Barramundi tend to stay in deep water. From October to December, during the run-up to the wet season, Barramundi become more active as water temperatures rise and fishing in freshwater lagoons and in salt water estuarine waterways can be very productive.

In tidal rivers, Barramundi tend to bite better towards the end of run-out tide while an hour or two either side of a low tide are good times to attract Barramundi in estuaries and salt water creeks.  And when you hook a Barramundi, be prepared for an exciting battle of wits and strength with a worthy opponent.  Shop Now for barramundi fishing tackle